Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Ok, so it is the holidays now... Actually it started two weeks ago already... But, what the heck.

So... O levels next year and stuff... Got loads of holiday homework to do. However I really cannot be bothered to study. No mood dammit. Really boring now.

Yeah... yeah... yeah... The end. Nothing else to say really. I just had to type something here for the hell of it. Next year I probably would not be able to blog for the year. So, What the heck...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hahaha! Results are out! I'm so emo...

Well, they seem REAL bad. But considering the the examinations were set much harder and that I did not fail any subjects, I guess that is pretty good.
English C6
Chinese C6
Core History C6
Elective Geography C5
Chemistry B4
A math B3
E math B3
Physics A1

Pretty sad about my Chemistry though. Scrap that, I am REALLY SUPER DUPER sad bout my Chemistry results. A1 is a must for it. My both maths too... At least there's an improvement in my History considering that I actually PASSED it this time. L1R5 of 22. But I guess that pretty good comparing to people from my class.

Went to a materials workshop at Singapore Polytechnic on Friday. I went for one of the 6 materials workshop on temperature sensitive gels. Kinda fun. There were a few other schools there too. A few were allowed to go from my school. Some were forced. Luckily, I have an interest for such things, so I volunteered. Anyway, I stay quite close to it as well. My sister also went to the workshop, different one though, since she's from a different school.

Not much else to talk bout. That's it for now then!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teacher's day!

Or at least we celebrated on the eve... Anyway, there were no classes yesterday. Just have fun. The welfare community used some money from the treasury to get some snacks. My Physics teacher also brought sushi! After pretty much everyone finished what they wanted, my friend challenged me to eating as much wasabe as possible. He got his ass kicked. Hehe.

Today, at 11.30am, we'll be having a teacher's day party at the function room of Centris. I'll be meeting up with my friends at 10am to get some snacks at NTUC before going to the designated location for the party. I'll be going out of the house at 9am... 1 more hour!

Sorry I cannot post any photographs from yesterday. My phone is unable to be connected to the computer for some reason. I have to use cable. It worked for my Mom's phone but not mine although it is the same model... Will post up the photographs ASAP about Teacher's Day and the party today on the blog and my Facebk account too...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Whee! So far results are good!

For the tests I've gotten back, all A1s! Hehe! But, yeah, They're all my best subjects. A-math, E-math, Physics and Chemistry. Third highest score for Chemistry! Second in class for Physics! And surprise! Finally, I got A1 for English comprehension test. Lucky! Most are in the 20s. For once I got A! Mother Tongue (Chinese) got 52%... Pretty decent considering the chinese class I'm in, the border line people... Hehe. Most failed. But I guess I could have done better...

Then, the rest of my subjects, gonna be sad... History probably border line pass/FAIL. SS as well. Geog maybe better.

So, that's it for now. Hope me luck :P

Friday, August 20, 2010

Commont tests 3 OVER!

Yo! Been one heck of a long time... common test 3 week finally over! Tested all 8 subjects. 2 languages, 2 humanities, 2 maths, 2 sciences. Results ttrickling back. When I know all, I'll tell you guys. Unless I fail that badly, PS History and SS probably... Hehe.

So, now I'm back on the computer. Just roaming about. Nothing special happening now. That's it for now...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

English oral

Supposed to have it on Friday, 30/7. Wow, one dental appointment sure makes me miss a lot. My CCA and my English oral. Had it postponed. Not confirmed yet. Will call the teacher tomorrow to confirm.

Not much trouble in school... Got into a little fight with my friend. He got pissed at someone taking his dream position in CCA. Stress=violence. At least I held back or things would end up a lot worse for him, and I'll probably get detention or something along those lines. Black mark too probably. Last year I was really violent. Guess I'm getting the hang of anger management rule #1. Always smile. Guess that kept me from tipping over the edge of anger.

So hooray for my success. Other than that, haven't been anything else interesting. I guess that is an improvement from having a totally monotonous school life. I guess things get to spice up when everybody is familiar with one another. I still have no idea why the girls thought I cried after the fight... Hm... Anyway, I successfully held back anger, which would lead to violence etc. So, 3 cheers for me!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dizzy dizzy

Felt lethargic and dizzy today. Could not concentrate. Got "Tau Pok", I have no idea how to spell it, by my friends. Still okay then.... Then after that, felt like blood packed in my head and got really dizzy. Tau pok basically means you get pinned down by loads of people stacked on top of you... Meant for fun and stuff. This is the first time there were after effects from it for me...

Racial Harmony Day today. Recess was earlier so that we could go for ethnic food tasting later. Done by sec 3 classes (my class did it too but I was not involved). Already felt a little sick then. Then there was CCA which I had to miss loads of things because of dizziness and headache. Check out my CCA blog for more descriptions...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ahh! Stress and tests and homework!

I guess the title says it all. I gotta miss my tuitions to stay back for all the tests and miss my CCA (which I love!) to go to the nursing home on Wednesday. Noo!

Schedule this week:
- Tuesday > English Comprehension test (miss tuition)
- Wednesday > Nursing home (miss CCA)
- Thursday > A-Math test
- Friday > Chemistry test (at least I like Chem...)

And some of you are like: What so bad about missing tuition. It's that I miss 2 of them! Physics and English! So again: The more the merrier! No! I gotta take make up classes! No problem for Physics but English is hard to slot into my already busy schedule. Damn @#%$. Should actually take the test today then all will be solved. But because there is Geog/SS remedial today, all the rest of my classmates want lunch first. I hoped it could be done and got over with today.

This week is like super busy week. There will also be a Geog test somewhere on Tuesday on Thursday. At least I prefer Geog than History. Then, there will be some ICT thing. I'm one of the 10 ICT buddies. Nothing much there...

Anyways, gotta go to sleep now. So long people! Till the next post!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


3 strikes and you're out! Holy crap!

Of course you have no idea what I'm talking about, unless you're from my school. New principal, new stuff, new means of torture. 3 wrong doings, any wrong doings, and that if the teacher decides to count it as 1 strike, I would be pretty much screwed.

3 wrong doings of any type will get you into TRC. It is kinda like some prison torture chamber. If you get sent for TRC, you're doomed. Suspended with detention. If you get into it you will get to know the discipline teachers real well. From 7.45am to 5 pm, you will sit in a death/torture chamber, aka the Alumni room. You will have to fill in loads of relection worksheets. If the teacher is unhappy with any of the answers, REDO! Minimum of 3 days. After the 3 days, you will have to beg ALL your teachers to let you return to class. If they decide not to let you, you gotta continue with the suspension and detention routine till they allow. WTF?! And that is not all! After being let back in, you got to return to the death/torture chamber for 3 more days after school! Up till 5pm! If you miss any of the steps return to step 1. Oh, and did I forget, you have to complete ALL the homework, probably including the lessons you miss too, before you can even bother showing you face to the teachers.

If any steps are missed, parents will be called in. That is how evil school is. I bet the principal came up with this one too.

As if that is not enough! This principal would be what you call εŠι€”θ€ŒεΊŸ. Meaning give up half way. Best example, the biometric security system for classroom doors. System is installed and switche on. Out biometric info has been gathered. And yet we still have to use the old lock for the door. WTF! It is like the biometric thing is for show that we are one of the "future schools". Waste of money and time I would say.

Another one is the biometric attendence and temperature system. 6 or 7 big black boxes were installed in the staff room and canteen area. Now, I have to reach school earlier to get my attendence marked by thumb print at those boxes. Then, there would be the temperature check. And yet, we still gotta report to the parade ground and the teachers still got to mark our attendence. Furthermore, we still gotta bring our thermometers to check. Waste of time and money again!

What on earth is this principal thinking?! I'm actually really curious what he is planning to do?! He is like setting up things that are not fulfilling their purposes. Super pissed. Guess this is called student's un-needed stress.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

History retest...

23/6 having History retest. 8am. Went through South-East Asia History. Still got World History to go... Germany and Russia. My History teacher did not give me back my script. Only the question paper and the marking scheme...

I'm actually doubting the History teacher who marked my script. I'm sure I would have passed the test... Damn that teacher. I got the points in there. Should be getting a much higher score! Grr... Will have my revenge! Waste my time...

So... I'm not sure is it just me or what. It seems that since last year, I've been failing History because I hate my History teacer. Maybe I'm stereotyping them. That plump History teachers are evil or something... Well, actually this year's History teacher is boring. Or maybe it's just the topics. Well, either way, my History script should still be with her while everyone else got theirs back. Seems like it's lost or something... I not sure, but is it because I hate the History teachers that it seems that they hate me too and/or vice versa. Or am I being paranoid and stereotyping them...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

CIP at Pasir ris park

Went to Pasir Ris Park during school hours on 28/5/2010 for CIP. Basically cleaning of trash and stuff. My class went with 4c (sec 4 normal class, haven't N levels for them. Sec 4 express got O levels this year... Mine's next year.). After that, my class had a picnic there. Loads of fun... Although I felt real bored during the picnic.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wow! Been so long!

School has been a blast! Mid-year examinations are over! Results are already out! Yeah, because of the examinations, I've not blogged down my crap in any of my blogs for quite some time...

By "School has been a blast" I mean it killed me by overblasting... I did not to good in my MYE.... Failed History, C5 for core Geography, B4 for physics. However, I did well for some too! A1 for pure Chemistry and elective Mathematics. A2 for Add-Math. Improvement in Add-Math! Yeah! usually I get like Cs for it. I tried really hard for History this time. In fact, most of my time was spent on my Humanities. I guess I suck at it...

Well, it's nearly the witching hour. Will try to post on my other blogs before sleeping.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh!!! The horror! The agony!

Mid - year exam coming. 30 of this mth Mother Tongue exam. Next mth the rest of the subjects. Had to go to school today for History revision for entire class.

'O' levels next year. Must be prepared.

Taking thumbprint next monday for Biometric lock installed for classrooms. Actually I taken during CCA. Not sure if have to do again...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Whoo! Today, I feel happy!

Just found out I top my class in Chemistry! Yeah!

Actually, I have nothing else to write... mm, mm... so that's it I guess

Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh crap

OMFG!!! School is about to start and I have yet to finish my homework!!! Went for camp form 17/3 to 19/3! crap no time gotta go for now...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yeah, yeah, yeah

My report book was given out... results were really sore... 2 A1 the rest (6 subjects) in the C5 C6 region. But hey! I did better than most. No fails! Some in my class got yellow letters. Meaning letters of death... LOL. got 2 fails or more. I got none! Pretty well done considering the large leap between sec2 and sec3.

My parents don't get how to appreciate that. They're always like, "Think positive!", "Your future, you control!", "Wow, you're pretty good compared to the rest!". But WTF! They don't think! After they compare they'll congratulate me. But it's always a worse scolding before comparison...

Yeah, and most parents do exactly what they tell you not to do. Eg. (Well, that's for me) "Don't assume. Assumption makes an ass out of you and me!", "Work before play!", "Why are yo so clumsy!", "When driving, drive carefully! (That is when we talk about the future of me driving a car... which may never happen depending on their nagging)", "This guy never on indicator when driving!", "Speed so much...", etc. And yeah, you probably guessed it. This is what they usually do. Especially my dad. He talks alot but does none. Like those bossy tyrants.

Hell, man, this is just a little of why I fing my parents irritating. I could write an essay about this. But, nah, this is probably enough to be considered as one. Maybe I could write a book on this... To WARN parents about what they do and that they should avoid this...

Well, I'm writing this 'cause I'm really pissed with my parents. Ya know how moronic some parents can get. But other than the god-lenght list of negatives, there's always a dash of positives to it. And I guess, the positives are what have pretty much what people have been hanging on to...

Holidays now. one week, be having camp wed to fri. More details on http://thyccancc.blogspot.com/

That's it for now. Been wuite long since I've destressed myself. :P

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I decided to separate my CCA from school stuff. Now I place it on thyccancc.blogspot.com. Go visit it!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Tomorrow trainfire and IMT will be on Wednesday. Had to postpone my tuition. Wished they cold place it on a more convienient time. Will leave class earlier than usual for next 2 days.

That's it, will update more on it sooner or later.

First up, Chingay

As promised on my other blog, this holds priority. The two days are as follows.

19.2.2010 - 1st day for Chingay parade
2.30pm got lions heads from D&T room. Got up bs and left for Chingay. Jared, Sec 1, part A, NCC cadet was my tail. During rehearsals, he complained back pain and had to switch for head. I became tail. However, it was agreed that he would be my tail for 20.2.2010. After 3 rehearsals, dinner was served in styrofoam boxes. Rice, scrambled eggs w/ sth in it, and chicken. Drank a botlle of water and was rather filled up.

PM Lee came at 'bout 8pm to give opening speech for Chingay Parade. Lions followed behind the floats followed by dragon dance troupe. Went out and did the perfromance. Back ached but managed to recover after a while. Believe me, the back really aches from bending in the 3 rehearsals and the real thing. Guess you just got to get seasoned and used to it.

Went back to school at 'bout 10pm. School gate was left open on teacher-in-charge's request. Got our school bags and were released. Please not 19.2.2010 is a Friday, hence a school day. Obviously, we had to place our bags somewhere. As I left my cellphone in my bag, I had to wait for approx. 20 mins for parents to fetch me. Went to McDonalds with my friends (NCC too. But all previously same sec 2 class w/ a sec 2 female classmate , excpet for me. Quite left out) Ate a Mcflurry. Parents came and fetched me home.

20.2.2010 - 2nd day of Chingay parade
4pm report to school. My partner, Jared wussed out. Didn't keep his part of his promise. Got E.Q. Lim as my tail. At least we were friends (and that I know I can trust him. Last year, I was the only one who trusted him during his pass down of CCA info. In the end, only he and I turned up). Got the lions heads and ate lunch cum early dinner served in the same kind of styrofoam box. Fried rice, scrambled egg and tomato fish. Yum! Drank a bottle of water and felt pretty filled up.

Only positioning for lions was done. Pretty much break till 8pm after that. Played "throw the rocks into a bucket of water". You know how some adults can be. Just because they think they're older, they think they're better. Purposely invade into our rock throwing area. Stangers somemore! Start shouting at us! Curse that group. Pointed the finger and continued to playing throw the bottle of water. Not one touched them and they started shouting again. Hope they die painfully. If you're one of those in the group, reflect on yourselves.

Anyway, 'bout 8pm, a group of (middle-age) ladies asked me how many lions there were. I told them 50. Actually, later I found out while in the head that there was 100 in total, 50 from each school (JSS and BBSS). Still feel a little guilty.... Anyway, president came this time to give the speech. Wished us well. One more thing, right after opening speech on both days, firecracks were lit up. Really loud. On this 2nd day, I had to cover myself with the head. E.Q. squeezed in too. Had to shout in the head although we're so close just to get the message through to each other. Through the performance, I encouraged him (unlike j). When it was done, he recovered way faster than me and continued to flirting with girls (strangers who happen to be there to control human traffic. At least most were pretty decent looking :P Don't get me wrong, I'm not some old geezer).

This time, I brought my cell. Called parents and went home. Passed by McDonalds drive through to get sth to fill my stomach. Bought a McChicken meal. My parents and sister went to eat Japanese food for dinner. And I missed out :(

Just to keep it short, although it's already pretty lenghty, I won't go into specific details like names of people I know who were there, facts of Chingay parade like lenght etc.

In summary, I had a pretty good time there. Good experience it was indeed.

One more thing, Jared still had the face to ask my how Chingay parade went without him on Saturday. Like he's some VIP or what! (Filled with criticism etc.) Thick skin bastard. Wanted to whack him up. In the end, I just pushed him aside and ignored him. Rather not waste energy if he's that thick skin.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm just sooooo screwed...

I screwed up with my CCA on Saturday. I thought the time was as the letter stated. 4.30pm. Ended up having them leave school at 2.15pm. I sat at the bus stop like an idiot 'cause the school was already locked. I called my friend who told me they were already there. Had my father send me down to the F1 pit.

And because of this shit, I was made replacement. Now, I'm just supremely pissed. I want to be in the parade. What's worst was that they had me and 3 more guys, also replacment as they also did not get the time right, to look after 3 lion dance heads. Lugged it around like idiots. Dinner was served, but as we were separated from the group, we came really late. Last ones to have our dinner.

Made me waste my friggin time when I can be doing lion dance crap. In fact, I didn't even get to do it! They sat me aside, wasting my time!

Today had my Chem and Phy test. Pretty well done other than the fact that I forgot about the drying agents in Chem. Continuing this test routine till thursday. Then, Happy Chinese New Year! Yah!

I'm still really pissed with them for wasting my time. They got to go through the rehearsal a few times while I sat there as an audience. Totally pissed me off. I think I'm going to remain at such a pissed off state for quite a while. Just blogging this down pisses me off. Curse them....

btw, pre-Happy Chinese New Year to you ppl!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, so far nothing interesting has happened...

Common tests are next week first 3 days.... What a bitch....

CCA going on as usual, lion dance too. This Saturday will be having lion dance training. How saddening.

PE tomorrow. Badminton! My favourite. Will be bringing the cheaper of my two rackets. It's older than the other one. New one cost S$99.90! Damn expensive (although nearly anything near a 100 is considered expensive to me. C'mon, I'm still a kid!). S$16 to change the guts for a better one. The older one was because I still very noob. S$49.90 or somewhere there. First time changed gut used cheaper one. S$12. Now, change to same guts as the new one. Guess that's the price to pay if you wanna play a good game.....

Gd luck for my tests! Same goes to those who hav tests/exams coming up!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Of course not to me.... To one of my classmates since sec1. Doesn't seem too long ago actually. Bought her a present today after school at my tuition centre. Going to give it to her tomorrow thought. Post happy birthday present... LOL

Sang a birthday song for her during class. Nothing too interesting was done for her though. Welfare committee members gave her a little present though.

Tomorrow will be leaving class at 11am. 2.15pm end class but I got CCA. Wonder is that a good thing or a bad thing. Don't get me wrong. I'm loyal to my CCA, but I'm not sure missing class would be a good idea...

Hope for the best, for the best is yet to be!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The story so far...

Ok, there's actually nothing interesting here. Check out my other blog.

School has been pretty normal. No interesting stuff happening.

Oh yeah! Had CCA yesterday. Orientation for the recruits. Had been running 'bout school. Pretty fun.

That's it so far...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Oops... Correction, not doing dragon dance, doing Lion dance

The title should be pretty self-explainatory. But one more thing, other than today's training, all other lion dance training will be held on 6pm onwards.... How saddening late.

1 good news though, I'll be holding on to the head. Wee!

Bukit Batok Secondary (If I'm not wrong. Do correct me if you know 'bout this) will also be doing the lion dance with us. So see us at Chingay Parade in S'pore. We'll be the lions.

So long!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yeah, I know there's no school today, or yesterday, but what the hell....

Tomorrow will be the Dragon dance trainig.... And hooray! I'll be able able to attend both training and tuition! (Or at least should be able to... :P Hope so.) If you have no idea what I'm talking 'bout, refer to the previous post.

I'll also be having a Chinese test on the 1st chapter on Tuesday. What a way to start the year. I'll also be having more test this month... Call this the 1st month after the holidays.... Where has the holiday mood gone to?

End of year, I'll also have to stay back for two weeks. Have to prepare for next year 'O' level.

I guess that's it for now...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chingay Parade

Yeah! Yesterday, they said that i would be in the Chingay Parade!

For my CCA, al my seniors (sec 4) would be goin for the Chingay Parade. We'd be doing the dragon dance. Mine's optional. But I volunteered. I'm quite sur it's going to be fun.

Training for the dragon dance begins on Monday after school. But on Monday, I have tuition. It's 6.30pm, but I'm not sure if I can make it... gotta ask if can go early....

Hope I can solve the matter...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


As you know my CCA is NCC; I'm really into it. I'm part of the admin, you know taking attendence and stuff. This year, I'm probably going for spec course. I really hope to get at least a first surgeon rank.

Today, during training time, we had PT (physical training). Push ups, sit ups and running 'bout. Pretty simple for me now. When I was in sec 1, I probably would have died. After PT, we had games. I played floorball. It's really fun.

That's it for now, gd night.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

History - World War 1

For History, we were asked to find 3 interesting facts. (As in will not be taught.... I guess)
These are a few:

- Gavrilo Princip was the Serbian nationalist who assasinated the archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand.
[ Wikipedia.com ]

- These words were used since WW1 > Over the top; Trench coat; Ace; Buddy; Pushing up the Daisies; Red Tape; Zoom; Sniper; Washout; Cootie; Tune up; Etc...
[ lou_ww1.tripod.com/myww1trench/id3.html ]

- Over 100,000 Chinese labourers were used by the British Army to dig trenches on the Western Front.
[ lou_ww1.tripod.com/myww1trench/id3.html ]

- The Original Pooh Bear was a Canadian WW1 mascot.
[ lou_ww1.tripod.com/mywww1trench/id3.html ]

- WW1 was the first war to be fought over 3 continents.
[ same as the one on the top...]

- First industrialised conflict.
[ I bet you know by now which site this is]

If the owner of any of this sources want me to delete any of this, just write it in the comments, thx.

My school life

I'm sec 3 this year. Studying 8 subjects. 2 of each. 2 language (English and Mother Tongue), 2 Math (Elementary and Additional), 2 humanities (Core History and Elective Geography + Social Studies), and 2 sciences (Pure Physics and pure Chemistry).

I study in class 3/4 in my school... supposedly the 2nd best class. I have 1 CCA (Co-curriculum activities), NCC (National Cadet Corps).

Yeah, that's it....