Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, so far nothing interesting has happened...

Common tests are next week first 3 days.... What a bitch....

CCA going on as usual, lion dance too. This Saturday will be having lion dance training. How saddening.

PE tomorrow. Badminton! My favourite. Will be bringing the cheaper of my two rackets. It's older than the other one. New one cost S$99.90! Damn expensive (although nearly anything near a 100 is considered expensive to me. C'mon, I'm still a kid!). S$16 to change the guts for a better one. The older one was because I still very noob. S$49.90 or somewhere there. First time changed gut used cheaper one. S$12. Now, change to same guts as the new one. Guess that's the price to pay if you wanna play a good game.....

Gd luck for my tests! Same goes to those who hav tests/exams coming up!

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