Saturday, June 19, 2010

History retest...

23/6 having History retest. 8am. Went through South-East Asia History. Still got World History to go... Germany and Russia. My History teacher did not give me back my script. Only the question paper and the marking scheme...

I'm actually doubting the History teacher who marked my script. I'm sure I would have passed the test... Damn that teacher. I got the points in there. Should be getting a much higher score! Grr... Will have my revenge! Waste my time...

So... I'm not sure is it just me or what. It seems that since last year, I've been failing History because I hate my History teacer. Maybe I'm stereotyping them. That plump History teachers are evil or something... Well, actually this year's History teacher is boring. Or maybe it's just the topics. Well, either way, my History script should still be with her while everyone else got theirs back. Seems like it's lost or something... I not sure, but is it because I hate the History teachers that it seems that they hate me too and/or vice versa. Or am I being paranoid and stereotyping them...

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