Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teacher's day!

Or at least we celebrated on the eve... Anyway, there were no classes yesterday. Just have fun. The welfare community used some money from the treasury to get some snacks. My Physics teacher also brought sushi! After pretty much everyone finished what they wanted, my friend challenged me to eating as much wasabe as possible. He got his ass kicked. Hehe.

Today, at 11.30am, we'll be having a teacher's day party at the function room of Centris. I'll be meeting up with my friends at 10am to get some snacks at NTUC before going to the designated location for the party. I'll be going out of the house at 9am... 1 more hour!

Sorry I cannot post any photographs from yesterday. My phone is unable to be connected to the computer for some reason. I have to use cable. It worked for my Mom's phone but not mine although it is the same model... Will post up the photographs ASAP about Teacher's Day and the party today on the blog and my Facebk account too...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Whee! So far results are good!

For the tests I've gotten back, all A1s! Hehe! But, yeah, They're all my best subjects. A-math, E-math, Physics and Chemistry. Third highest score for Chemistry! Second in class for Physics! And surprise! Finally, I got A1 for English comprehension test. Lucky! Most are in the 20s. For once I got A! Mother Tongue (Chinese) got 52%... Pretty decent considering the chinese class I'm in, the border line people... Hehe. Most failed. But I guess I could have done better...

Then, the rest of my subjects, gonna be sad... History probably border line pass/FAIL. SS as well. Geog maybe better.

So, that's it for now. Hope me luck :P

Friday, August 20, 2010

Commont tests 3 OVER!

Yo! Been one heck of a long time... common test 3 week finally over! Tested all 8 subjects. 2 languages, 2 humanities, 2 maths, 2 sciences. Results ttrickling back. When I know all, I'll tell you guys. Unless I fail that badly, PS History and SS probably... Hehe.

So, now I'm back on the computer. Just roaming about. Nothing special happening now. That's it for now...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

English oral

Supposed to have it on Friday, 30/7. Wow, one dental appointment sure makes me miss a lot. My CCA and my English oral. Had it postponed. Not confirmed yet. Will call the teacher tomorrow to confirm.

Not much trouble in school... Got into a little fight with my friend. He got pissed at someone taking his dream position in CCA. Stress=violence. At least I held back or things would end up a lot worse for him, and I'll probably get detention or something along those lines. Black mark too probably. Last year I was really violent. Guess I'm getting the hang of anger management rule #1. Always smile. Guess that kept me from tipping over the edge of anger.

So hooray for my success. Other than that, haven't been anything else interesting. I guess that is an improvement from having a totally monotonous school life. I guess things get to spice up when everybody is familiar with one another. I still have no idea why the girls thought I cried after the fight... Hm... Anyway, I successfully held back anger, which would lead to violence etc. So, 3 cheers for me!