Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New school!

Kinda said I'll post about things on Grad lunch since the previous post, but not much happened actually. Normal occasion I guess... Nothing too fanciful and stuff... Simple lunch, said our farewells, kept in contact with a few of them kinda thing I guess...

So now, been a month in my new school, JJC... Had a great blast with my OG(Orientation Group) in the first week, kept in contact a few weeks after, and I guess now it's pretty dispersed having new classes and stuff. So yeah, got a H2 Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics , and a H1 Economics subjects... Project work, General paper and Mother tongue are a rather compulsory kinda thing, so yeah...

Pretty cool teachers. Became Chemistry rep. again... Other than that nothing much been happening. Oh, some fire drill practice kinda thing today, so wasted a load of time... Some road run thing on Friday... And that's bout it for my school life for now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Haha! End of O's

Well, it actually kinda ended 2 days back, last paper was on monday. So, I guess school's up for a relatively long time.

So I'll just summarise my O's for you... Pretty much all of my papers, except for English and History, I generally confident of acing them this time round. And for the first time in a really long time, that includes my combine humanities of Geography elective and Social Studies.

The O's went pretty smoothly. Dazed off a little in my first paper, English, but the rest was fine. I think I did comparitively well for my History this time round but I guess its A is still out of reach.

Also, for the first time in a long time, I think I may be able to get A1 for my Amath paper! Usually, it is an A2 or B3 for that. Other than those few, I guess A1 would be as usual for the remaining subjects, Chemistry, Physics and Elective Mathematics.

Guess now that school is over for a really long time, this blog will be relativelt inactive for a while again.

Other than that, there is the dilenma of JC or Poly... Well, my ideal goal would be National Junior College (NJC), but with my English grades, I doubt that will be happening. So I guess from previously set goals, I have Saint Andrew JC (SAJC), Ngee Ann Poly (NP) and Singapore Poly (SP) left. I am more of a hands on guy, so I'm more keen on going to poly, but its expensive and long. Also, it has a much lower chance of getting into a good University. On the other hand, JCs are attractive with their low prices and better chances of going to Uni, but its classroom teaching conditions and A levels will be a repeat of secondary school life, which I'm really bored of sitting around a taking tests and examinations.

Well, besides the dilenma, my Graduation Lunch is this Saturday, 19/11/11. It will be held at Jurong SAFRA and the theme is Wedding Masquerade. Basically just wearing masks with a wedding theme, which I have no idea how to dress for... So I'll be lazy and go casual with my usual wear, jeans and tee... Although I may wear a little more formal for that day, undecided.

So, after the Grad Lunch, I guess I'll be posting it here for one of the last times for a really long time again. So, yep, that's it for now!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

GE 1 round the corners :(

Graduation Examinations one starts on Tuesday and here I am typing away without studying. I feel brain-fried already... Aargh....

School has been pretty sucky-ish. Most of the time I'm either nodding away or rolling my head about my neck. It's been so boring. I bet this blog is really boring too. Nothing out of the ordinary but I feel overly drowsy this pass month.

And... It's first of April, Labour Day. Monday is going to be a public holiday and Tuesday comes hell. I am not sure whether I'm really eager for my Os or just to get over with it. Most probably the latter. There is so many things I want to do during the long holidays after my Os.. Haha, here I am killing myself even before the Os and I am fantasising about what I am going to do after it.

Well, theoretically, it is Monday since it is past midnight, and I am still here droning away. Just had to write this blog down to get it out of my system. My life has been bugging me. I am constantly irritated and I feel like I am going to get violent compulsions, like whacking my head on the table. Haha... Talk about stress.

And, yeah, I am only on my last year of secondary school life and I am feeling like time is going faster than usual. Before I know it, a day passes. Huh... fifth month into this year and I'm still feeling like a loser. not even studying for my Os. Guess I gotta work harder huh.

So, to end off, any readers out there have a tip for me. I am half dead, pessimistic about my damned life, and I feel like a total loser... Leave the tips in the comments below... Thanks and goodnight people! *weary smile + wave*

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Ok, so it is the holidays now... Actually it started two weeks ago already... But, what the heck.

So... O levels next year and stuff... Got loads of holiday homework to do. However I really cannot be bothered to study. No mood dammit. Really boring now.

Yeah... yeah... yeah... The end. Nothing else to say really. I just had to type something here for the hell of it. Next year I probably would not be able to blog for the year. So, What the heck...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hahaha! Results are out! I'm so emo...

Well, they seem REAL bad. But considering the the examinations were set much harder and that I did not fail any subjects, I guess that is pretty good.
English C6
Chinese C6
Core History C6
Elective Geography C5
Chemistry B4
A math B3
E math B3
Physics A1

Pretty sad about my Chemistry though. Scrap that, I am REALLY SUPER DUPER sad bout my Chemistry results. A1 is a must for it. My both maths too... At least there's an improvement in my History considering that I actually PASSED it this time. L1R5 of 22. But I guess that pretty good comparing to people from my class.

Went to a materials workshop at Singapore Polytechnic on Friday. I went for one of the 6 materials workshop on temperature sensitive gels. Kinda fun. There were a few other schools there too. A few were allowed to go from my school. Some were forced. Luckily, I have an interest for such things, so I volunteered. Anyway, I stay quite close to it as well. My sister also went to the workshop, different one though, since she's from a different school.

Not much else to talk bout. That's it for now then!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teacher's day!

Or at least we celebrated on the eve... Anyway, there were no classes yesterday. Just have fun. The welfare community used some money from the treasury to get some snacks. My Physics teacher also brought sushi! After pretty much everyone finished what they wanted, my friend challenged me to eating as much wasabe as possible. He got his ass kicked. Hehe.

Today, at 11.30am, we'll be having a teacher's day party at the function room of Centris. I'll be meeting up with my friends at 10am to get some snacks at NTUC before going to the designated location for the party. I'll be going out of the house at 9am... 1 more hour!

Sorry I cannot post any photographs from yesterday. My phone is unable to be connected to the computer for some reason. I have to use cable. It worked for my Mom's phone but not mine although it is the same model... Will post up the photographs ASAP about Teacher's Day and the party today on the blog and my Facebk account too...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Whee! So far results are good!

For the tests I've gotten back, all A1s! Hehe! But, yeah, They're all my best subjects. A-math, E-math, Physics and Chemistry. Third highest score for Chemistry! Second in class for Physics! And surprise! Finally, I got A1 for English comprehension test. Lucky! Most are in the 20s. For once I got A! Mother Tongue (Chinese) got 52%... Pretty decent considering the chinese class I'm in, the border line people... Hehe. Most failed. But I guess I could have done better...

Then, the rest of my subjects, gonna be sad... History probably border line pass/FAIL. SS as well. Geog maybe better.

So, that's it for now. Hope me luck :P